Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 5/22/08

Amended and Approved on 6/26/08


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow - Chair

Allen Garf

George Bailey - Treasurer

Arnold Kublin  - absent

Arnold Cohen  - Clerk  - absent

Susan Rich  

Peg Arguimbau  - arrived at 8:10 PM







Chair Report

Mr. Snow began the Chair’s Report at 7:10 pm. He read correspondence from the Sharon Heights Playground Committee that stated $118,000 had been raised in total to date, which included CPC funds. Approximately $9,000 additional dollars are needed for the remainder of the project. They are using CPA funds for items more clearly allowed under the recreation restrictions like grading and site preparation.  Mr. Snow is assisting with planting and digging in a volunteer capacity. Karen Wald, President of the Heights Elementary PTO would like to attend a future CPC meeting to provide an update to the project.


Mr. Snow sent a draft letter to Senator Joyce and Representative Kafka and Timilty in support of enabling more recreation projects to be funded if the legislation goes through.


Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Bailey reported there are no bills outstanding. $3,923 has been expended for open space to date. We will have a closing at the end of the year and will know how much interest has been accumulated. If we want to begin the research process for document preservation we would need to go to Town Meeting in the Fall.  Mr. Bailey also stated there is a small project from the recreation Department for various phases of the landfill playing field project. Another project needed he said, is to try to develop a budget for planning for the 23K that we still have available.


Mr. Garf suggested looking at ways to pay down the bonds. Mr. Snow said he would review this item.



Mr. Snow reported that we would be getting an actual application from Camp Gannett as per his conversation with Peg Arguimbau. Mr. Garf asked how much of the funds are CPC funds versus other funds. Mr. Bailey said we have $119 K available for this project. Mr. Snow said the estimated cost is $1.4 – $1.5 million for easement on the whole property. Camp Gannett would retain the ownership of the approximate 8 building lots. He said there should be an official application soon. Hopefully we can negotiate a public pass through.


Ms. Rich said to remember that 111 Pond Street could be another project. Mr. Snow said that some historical funds are in reserve from prior years as they were encumbered.

Mr. Bailey suggested that the application process possibly be changed. He located some information on the internet and wrote a suggested proposal that he will circulate before the next meeting.


Mr. Snow said he would ask for an update on the pumping station.


Susan provided an update on the Historical Inventory. She stated it was in the third phase and they have provided several deliverables. The properties have been sorted out and the photos around town have been taken. There are 131 properties to be reviewed. The deadline has been moved out and it should be finished in September. She will bring a list of properties being surveyed to the next meeting as well as provide a brief presentation.


CPC Plan

6/26 will be a Pubic Hearing to review the CPC Plan. We need Jennifer Goldson to provide all information by 6/2 so that a legal ad for the Public Hearing can be placed in the Sharon Advocate.


CP Coalition

Mr. Bailey reported that he spoke with Stuart Saginor of the CP Coalition and the he said that the Trustees are closing the Commission to non-paying communities. Mr. Bailey provided a summary of the dues structure for several other groups, which showed that dues were less for these committees and Boards. He expressed his thoughts that a fee of $1,500 as compared to the $23,000 left in the CPC budget is a large expenditure. Mr. Garf said he spoke with Jennifer Goldson and was concerned if she could perform an adequate job without the membership behind us.


Ms. Arguimbau joined the meeting at 8:10 pm. She stated they are an organization that has information specific to CPC’s. She does not see a problem in joining.


Ms. Rich feels it is a good organization and feels awkward that Sharon is not represented. She said that if this is an organization that needs to exist, don’t we want to support an organization that provides services to the state of Massachusetts.

She thinks they can help with using our monies in creative ways.


Mr. Snow said he does not see us having a big need for their use for this fiscal year. For the phase we are in, he does not see needing them as resource but this could change.


Mr. Garf said given the limited budget he does not feel the need to join. Mr. Snow suggested that the DOR was more responsive.


The committee decided to hold off on the vote to join or not join until the June 26th meeting.


New Applications

Ms. Arguimbau reported that the Camp Gannett application would be forthcoming on 5/31. It has been discussed in general terms at the Selectmen’s meeting.





Bylaw Wording Changes

The bylaw wording changes provided by Ms. Arguimbau at the April meeting will be incorporated by Mr. Bailey into the document. The committee will vote at the 6/26 meting.


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Garf moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm and Ms. Arguimbau seconded the motion. The committee voted 5-0-0.